The space plane was revealed by Russian space agency Roscosmos this week, according to NASA. The plane, dubbed the Soyuz, was launched from Vostochny, Russia, on Thursday. The Soyuz is expected to arrive in the planet's orbit on August 10.. Not gonna lie there was a little concern if you were still paying attention back then, but I wouldn't have even noticed.. k_b.mp4 [29/12/2014, 4:45:12 AM] Peter Coffin: he told me [29/12/2014, 4:45:13 AM] Dan Olson: I saw it through a mirror and asked him why it bothered me so much when I was just a baby. [29/12/2014, 4:45:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. [29/12/2014, 4:45:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I didn't see his face, but I can tell it was a very sad face [29/12/2014, 4:45:48 AM] Peter Coffin: he's a guy I love [29/12/2014, 4:45:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): so sad: [29/12/2014, 4:46:06 AM] Tesseract: it's hard to describe seeing a sad guy's face that's like "oh boy you're a terrible person" [29/12/2014, 4:46:12 AM] Peter Coffin: like, at night with my dog [29/12/2014, 4:46:28 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL [29/12/2014, 4:46:31 AM] Remy: I'm not sure I believe everything Randi says [29/12/2014, 4:46:44 AM] Remy: I feel like she's the only SJW on the website [29/12/2014, 4:46:52 AM] Athena Hollow: Like, she doesn't even think there's a difference between a trans-woman who hates women and a trans-man that hates men. [29/12/2014, 4:46:54 AM] Peter Coffin: he's like, all they need is this and no fucking things will fall into place [29/12/2014, 4:46:59 AM] Athena Hollow: He also seems to be pretty good at telling the difference between the two. [29/12/2014, 4:47:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL. Randi: [29/12.mp4 10:36:10 No.86429 File: 14674837665905.jpg (9.31 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mekpv2uC_xnk5b1m4n1ngo1_540…) >>86422. Mr. Majnu Hd 1080p Hindi

The space plane was revealed by Russian space agency Roscosmos this week, according to NASA. The plane, dubbed the Soyuz, was launched from Vostochny, Russia, on Thursday. The Soyuz is expected to arrive in the planet's orbit on August 10.. Not gonna lie there was a little concern if you were still paying attention back then, but I wouldn't have even noticed.. k_b.mp4 [29/12/2014, 4:45:12 AM] Peter Coffin: he told me [29/12/2014, 4:45:13 AM] Dan Olson: I saw it through a mirror and asked him why it bothered me so much when I was just a baby. [29/12/2014, 4:45:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. [29/12/2014, 4:45:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I didn't see his face, but I can tell it was a very sad face [29/12/2014, 4:45:48 AM] Peter Coffin: he's a guy I love [29/12/2014, 4:45:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): so sad: [29/12/2014, 4:46:06 AM] Tesseract: it's hard to describe seeing a sad guy's face that's like "oh boy you're a terrible person" [29/12/2014, 4:46:12 AM] Peter Coffin: like, at night with my dog [29/12/2014, 4:46:28 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL [29/12/2014, 4:46:31 AM] Remy: I'm not sure I believe everything Randi says [29/12/2014, 4:46:44 AM] Remy: I feel like she's the only SJW on the website [29/12/2014, 4:46:52 AM] Athena Hollow: Like, she doesn't even think there's a difference between a trans-woman who hates women and a trans-man that hates men. [29/12/2014, 4:46:54 AM] Peter Coffin: he's like, all they need is this and no fucking things will fall into place [29/12/2014, 4:46:59 AM] Athena Hollow: He also seems to be pretty good at telling the difference between the two. [29/12/2014, 4:47:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL. Randi: [29/12.mp4 10:36:10 No.86429 File: 14674837665905.jpg (9.31 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mekpv2uC_xnk5b1m4n1ngo1_540…) >>86422. fbc29784dd Mr. Majnu Hd 1080p Hindi


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